ARPC Action Shooters is hosted by Arnold Rifle and Pistol Club in St. Louis,
MO. It is a "member" club with some guest privileges. Anyone can come and shoot three times as a
guest. This is 3 times total (two steel match, one IPSC match) or any combination
of steel and IPSC match.
After your initial 3 guest visits you can continue to come as a non-member with the following guidelines.
Non-members who wish to participate in sanctioned matches and who meet all of the following criteria
shall not be subject to the “three visit rule” above.
- Demonstrate that they are a current member of another recognized gun club
- Demonstrate that they are a current member of the NRA
- Demonstrate that they reside more than a one hour drive (one way) from ARPC
- Pay a match fee that is three times the cost paid by ARPC members for the match
(For Steel Plates or USPSA match’s the match fee for non-members is $15.00)
You may also formally join by applying for membership to the Arnold Rifle and Pistol Club.